Monday, December 3, 2007

Letter 1

Hello Reader,

My name is Arthur Kampmann and I am currently a sophomore at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. Recently my writing class took a research assignment on, and I choose the topic of autism. My main reasoning for that is that my younger sister is autistic, and my thinking was that autism would be a topic that I would enjoy researching, and writing on. Even though my sister is autistic I still learned many new facts about autism during this research project. In order for me to fully understand autism I am going to need a little clarity on one point. That is on the topic of parenting. What or how do you feel the best way for a parent to handle an autistic child, and is one method better than another?

I know that most parents with autistic children have a much different role that other parents. From experience my little sister Elizabeth is very much attached to my mother, and Elizabeth will be poorly behaved if my mom ignores her or leaves for a short time. However, when my mom leaves for a extended absence Elizabeth oddly acts perfect, and dosent have one temper tantrum. The question that I am posing is why would that kind of behavior take place if Elizabeth can behave when my mom is gone for a few days, but if she is gone for an hour Elizabeth will freak? I know that this is a difficult question, but any answer I could receive will be very helpful, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Arthur Kampmann

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